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About Us

Message from Founder

We have been in the business for last 12 years and successfully installed more than 100 plus solar power systems. 

Become a Solar Sales Consultant:

Contact us today and find out how you can have a career in the Solar Industry this is a great opportunity and can all be done from home.


Become a Referral Affiliate. (Referral Affiliates make a min. of $1,000.00 per referral sold).

Reasons to Go Solar in 2024!

1.Save money on energy bills: Solar energy is free and renewable, so you can reduce or even eliminate your energy bills.

2. Increase your home’s value: Installing solar panels can increase the resale value of your home.

3. Help the environment: Solar energy doesn’t produce any greenhouse gases or other pollutants, making it a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.

4. Take advantage of tax credits: Federal and state tax credits and other incentives can help you defray the cost of installing solar panels.

5. Create a backup power supply: With a solar battery, you can store excess energy and use it during a power outage.

6. Enjoy a quiet, unobtrusive system: Solar panels are low-maintenance and quiet, so they won’t disturb your peace and quiet.

7. Receive a consistent energy supply: Solar energy is more reliable than other energy sources because it isn’t affected by storms or other weather conditions.

8. Utilize the space on your roof: Instead of leaving your roof unused, you can use it to generate solar energy.

9. Support local jobs: Installing solar panels can create jobs for local contractors and other workers.

10. Enjoy a sense of pride and accomplishment from owning a solar system.